Sunday, June 24, 2007


My dad and I have been speaking three languages. Today I spoke to him in Galician just for added confusion. We speak hybrids within the same sentence, or one sentence this, one sentence that. We're gonna be in big trouble when we get back to the states.
Lisbon is practically impossible to drive in, just so you know. Hence I didn't get to go to church today. Supposedly there's a church building near Belém, but I don't know if I really believe that.
So instead my dad thought that going to Fátima would make up for it. There was a pretty cool service for the sick going on. It was really loud. That church has some pretty awesome subwoofers and loudspeakers for the outdoor processionals.
We kept on driving and ended up in Braga where my conference is. We had no idea where our hotel was, so we just turned on roads. Eventually we ended up at Bom Jesus do Monte. But we couldn't spend the night there so we went back to the city center and ran into a HUGE festival for São João, or John the Baptist. Today was the day and the streets were PACKED FULL. What a thing to run into. Anyway, there's nothing like a Festa Junina. That was pretty cool.
Dad made me ask a cop where the hotel was, at least the basic idea of the address. After the cop explained it to me three times with lots of hand motions and explaining, I was able to figure it out. Then he asked me if I were a Brazilian. Uh huh. I said more or less yes to avoid any confusions. Then we easily found the hotel. The people in the north can be so hard to understand.
I ate fish tonight, bytheway. It was Hake. I don't know what that is. But it tasted good. Yes. I just wrote that. I got fish and liked it. No need for everyone to go crazy.
Anyway, that's the news. I'll be at the conference for the next couple of days. Have fun whereever you are...


Marie said...

That must have been some fish. Maybe my seafood-hating tastebuds should give it a try. That is if I am ever in Portugal.

emily said...

Don't you love street festivals? That's kinda cool that the cop thought you were Brazilian. I would have told him that you were Chilean just to hear you blurt out your last name in a crazy accent. Oh, and um, I am pretty much going crazy because the ichthyophobe ate an ichthy. I don't know what hake is either but I am pretty sure that I ate some in Spain.